Monday, March 15, 2010
Moving Day
Finals Week and a Trip Home
Life hasn’t been bad since the last time I posted. I’ve been through finals week and a little over a week at home. However, let’s pick things up where I left off.
Finals week is usually supposed to be a stressful time, filled with endless studying for tests that have a huge impact on one’s final grade in a class. I, on the other hand, have enjoyed both so far because it’s a time to slow down and focus on my academics without much interference from the Regiment and upperclassmen. Because we’re supposed to use our weekend before for studying, we had our PKT moved from Sunday night to Saturday morning. Though let me back up for a minute. The Friday before finals week, February 26, we had yet another snow day because of more snow, this time around eight or nine inches. Unfortunately, many teachers had scheduled review sessions that day for finals. In addition to that, my section had Machine Shop scheduled for Friday mornings. Because of the snowstorm, that got cancelled and many of us had not yet finished our shop projects. Thankfully, the teacher decided to come in the next morning to allow us to finish our projects. Even better, we were in the shop when the PKT took place, so we got out of it, at least we thought we did. Since so many people were in class or review sessions during the PKT, it was decided that those who did not take it would have to take it sometime later during the day. I presume the training staff did this because they wanted us to pass PKT #9 this time. I lucked out again as I did not have to take the retake because I was scheduled to run the music for the Landmark Conference Basketball Championship game. Even as I write this, I still do not know if we passed the PKT or not, but I’m kind of leaning towards not. Both Saturday and Sunday we were given lunch liberty in case we felt we had some free time to go into Great Neck to get some food. I really doubt many people went out just because of their upcoming finals.
For everybody in the Plebe class, finals week started out with a bang because of the Calculus 2 final Monday morning for deck majors and Monday afternoon for the engineering students. Even though I’ve had quite a bit of calc, there were some pretty obscure questions on there, so I didn’t feel I did great, but I did well enough to get a decent grade in the class. Tuesday was the final that I was dreading the most out of the five I was scheduled to take. I had not done particularly well in Computer Engineering all trimester as the teacher went through topics very quickly, I had never really worked much in Microsoft Excel, and I had not scored well on any of the tests or quizzes. Thankfully, my studying paid off and I was rewarded by doing better on the final than I thought I would and finished up with a grade I was pretty happy with in the class. Wednesday was by far the easiest final of the week and probably the easiest I will have at the Academy. I had done well in Naval Science all trimester because I found the material very interesting and figured if I go into the Navy it would all be stuff that I would need to know at some time or another, so I put a lot of effort into learning everything I could. Because of that, I needed only 15 minutes for the final and was able to get a good grade in the end. Thursday’s final was another I was less confident about. I had done fairly well in Electrical Engineering all trimester, but I felt that I really did not know the material very well. Historically, students with my teacher have not fared too well on the final, but he makes it known that he curves the grades at the end which made me rest a little easier. I didn’t do great on the final, but I was satisfied with my grade in the class, so I guess I can’t really complain too much. Friday’s Physics 2 final probably required the most studying out of all my finals, but the four previous tests had worn me out, so I didn’t put as much time in as I could have or should have. I had done pretty well in the class throughout the trimester, but I know for a fact that I could’ve done better. It was, however, after my shoulder surgery that my grades started sliding downhill in the course, so I’m not sure if the surgery contributed to that or exactly what happened. Even though there were some curveballs on the final, I don’t think that I got the best grade that I could have, which in turn resulted in me getting a grade that could’ve been better. Oh well, I guess it helps me figure out how to apply myself in future courses. Overall, my trimester grades were not bad in the least bit, but I was still disappointed that I didn’t push myself harder in a few of my classes. Again, this helps me figure out what I need to do in my upcoming trimesters. Once I finished up my Physics 2 final, some friends and I quickly finished up our packing, changed into our Service Dress Blues and caught a cab to get away from Kings Point as fast as we could.
I ended up splitting a cab with six other people, which brought the fare down to a pretty reasonable $11. A lot better than paying $45 to ride alone! Because we arrived at the airport around 11:30, I figured it’d be worth it to try getting on the 1:30 flight rather than my scheduled 4:00 pm flight. Even though I had to pay to upgrade to standby for the earlier flight, I figured that getting home 3 hours earlier was worth the money needed to upgrade. The trip home was rather uneventful, though I did ride back with three of my classmates.
Upon arrival, I made it a point to stop by Caribou Coffee and enjoy a cup of good coffee for a change and not support Starbucks, which is New York’s main stop for specialty coffee along with Dunkin’ Donuts. After my parents picked me up, we went directly to Hong Kong Noodles Restaurant which is located right by TCF Bank Stadium, the home of the Minnesota Gophers football team. Even though I had eaten in Chinatown a few weeks before, I try not to pass up good Chinese food whenever I get the chance. Because I wanted to see as many of my friends as I could, I went up to PACT’s last regular season home game. A few of my friends were there which made it a worthwhile evening.
Throughout my week back, I made it a point to have as many friends over as I could or go do stuff with them. Even though I did not get to see everybody I would have liked, I was able to spend a lot of time just relaxing, which was much needed. I didn’t really do anything too exciting for the first while that I was home. The Thursday before I went back to school, we met my uncle at Hong Kong Noodles Restaurant for lunch before going to see a movie at the OmniTheater at the Science Museum of Minnesota. After seeing the movie, we swung by Bethel University so that I could spend a little bit of time with some friends there. I went out to lunch with a friend from church on Friday and ate at one of the best barbecue chicken places in the Metro Area. Big Daddy’s, by the corner of University and Dale in St. Paul has some amazing barbecue chicken, perhaps the best I’ve eaten. I would not complain if I had to take another trip back there.
Saturday morning may have been the highlight of my trip back, since I was finally able to go down to Target Field, the new home of the Minnesota Twins, and walk around down there. It was the opening of Target Plaza, so there were games and booths set up, and the main Twins store was open too. It was cool seeing all of the new, albeit overpriced, Twins merchandise for sale there. Once we had finished walking around the outside of the stadium, which was all they allowed us to see, we took a short trip west on I-394 to have Dim Sum at the Yangtze restaurant. I hadn’t had any Dim Sum since September, so I was more than happy to go over there. It was as good as I remembered, which made it all the more worthwhile.
My last night at home was spent playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on my Xbox 360 with one of my best friends as well as watching some TV. It was nothing too exciting, but a good way to round out my visit home.
As I write this, I’m 37,000 feet up over somewhere between Minneapolis and New York City. I’m guessing one of the Great Lakes. I can’t tell for sure because there’s some thick cloud cover below us. Within a few hours, I’ll be back at the Academy packing up my stuff to making changing rooms easier tonight. Stand by for further posts.
On a final, and more important note. I forgot to mention all of the good homemade food that I had. That was one of the things I was most looking forward to about break. Unfortunately, it might be quite a long time until I get to have some again...