Bearings Book: Book of knowledge for Plebes to memorize.
The City: New York City
Command Inspection: Where Commissioned Officers from the military walk around and inspect your rooms.
CTO: Company Training Officer. He enforces the RTOA's regulations.
Delano: Where we eat our not so critically acclaimed meals
Extra Duty: Extra hours of standing watch or other various duties assigned for Midshipmen on restriction.
IT: Intense or Instructive Training. A set period of time where Plebe Candidates get exercised to the max. A favorite of the CTO is having the Plebe Candidates wear rubber rain suits.
Liberty: Allowance to leave campus. Usually on weekends.
Midshipman Officers: Every senior at USMMA is a Midshipman Officer. There are 5 ranks: Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, and Commander.
Muster: An assembly for accountability purposes
PKT: Plebe Knowledge Test
Plebe: Name for fourth classmen that have not yet been "Recognized", but have been officially accepted into the Regiment of Midshipmen
PT: Physical Training
Rack: Military term for bed
Recognition: Where the plebe class has completed all the necessary steps required by the Midshipman Officers and the Midshipman Officers are sick of telling Plebes what to do, so the Midshipman Officers give the fourth classmen most of their privileges back.
Restriction: A Midshipman that does something bad gets put on restriction and can't leave campus and must perform 100 hours of Extra Duty.
RTOA: Regimental Training Officer's Assistant. He lets the Plebe Candidates know how to behave.
USMMA: United States Merchant Marine Academy
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